Saturday, March 31, 2012

First Day of Easter Break

And what did I do? Shopped and saw The Hunger Games, of course! I went down to Chichester again to look for some gifts and do a little shopping for myself.  I swear I looked at every shop there last weekend, but apparently I did not because I managed to find some stores I had not yet been into.  I have to admit, I love buying things that I know no one back home will have.  Cute dresses, scarves, jewelry...I can't help it!  There are so many gorgeous things!  But, in addition to what I bought myself, I found some really nice gifts for my sister and nephew today.  I'm still on the lookout for the rest of the people on my list, but I think I'm done with them until I go to Paris.  I was at a loss on what to get my nephew, because he doesn't really play with toys anymore.  I discovered buying for boys is pretty difficult, but when I found this little gem, I knew it was perfect!

It's an egg cup for soft boiled eggs! He's a very picky eater, but I know he likes eggs.
I don't want to spoil the surprise for any readers who may be getting gifts and trinkets from my travels, so I won't post anything else that I bought. I think I'll put off shopping again for a little while, least until I see what some of the big cities have to offer.

After shopping, I headed over to Chichester's cinema.  It looked just like your typical American movie theater, except they a)charged ridiculously high prices for tickets, b)they had a bar IN the theater (I couldn't take a drink into the movie, but it came in handy while I waited for it to start), and c)they only offer two types of popcorn: salty or sweet, and neither comes with butter.  I thought (c) might have been a deal-breaker, but I actually didn't miss the butter and I probably saved a truckload of calories (that I made up for by having a beer).
"Stellaaaaaa!!!!" in a cheesy Sylvester Stallone voice, is what I hear in my head every time I drink one
Their "small" popcorn really is small
 So, I watched The Hunger Games.  Loved it (and no, I did not think it was too violent nor did I think Rue was "too black," as apparently some racist Tweeters do.  Assholes.)!  Would see it again, but don't really want to spend six pounds to do it.  Guess I'll wait on the Blu-Ray.

Well, my first day of Easter Break was pretty great and I still have a little over two weeks left.  I wonder what I'll see and do...

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