Monday, March 12, 2012

Exploring Bognor Regis

Today was a fairly relaxing day.  I spent the morning reading, and then made a trip to Tesco for some food to bring for lunches this week.  Afterwards, we went to another pub just outside of town for my hostess's weekly Monday Lunch Club.  I had a lovely meal of fish cakes over creamed leeks with...(you guessed it) a pint of Guinness.  It was delicious!  You may think that I've been drinking an awful lot of wine and beer since I arrived, and you would be right.  Turns out, the English drink one or the other at just about every meal, which works out quite all right for me!

After lunch, I decided to walk to the town centre and check out some of the shops and restaurants.  It's about a 30 minute walk at a leisurely pace, which takes you down to the pier.  On the way are a few B and Bs before you get to the touristy part, where you'll find an arcade, a skateboard park, and a few other attractions open during the summer.  In the centre is a fair amount of restaurants and pubs, as well as some shops.  I managed to find a Body Shop, which made me quite happy since I haven't been to one in years.  They have the best body washes! I also found a cute clothing store called Dorothy Perkins, where they had loads of cute summer dresses, shorts, tanks, and a ton of other things that made no sense for me to buy while I'm here. I may wait until I'm getting ready to leave before I go back to look at summery stuff.  It's just not that warm here yet and I really don't have the proper shoes or accessories to wear with it. 

I also found a Boot's drugstore, which I recognized right away.  I remember Target sold their brand of makeup and skincare for a while back in the states, and I used to buy it then.  I was looking for a few things I forgot to bring, as well as some band-aids (which are called plasters here) for my poor feet.  Since my plane ride, my feet and ankles have been pretty swollen.  I looked it up online and it's pretty common, however, it could be a problem if the swelling doesn't go down soon.  Apparently, blood clots may be an issue but since I'm pretty active the chances of getting one are pretty slim.  However, that didn't stop my poor, swollen feet from getting riddled with blisters.

You probably weren't expecting a picture of my feet...sorry about that; however, it was the only picture I managed to take today.  Looks like it will be a little while before I walk to the town centre again, and it will probably be at least a few more days before I begin my morning runs. 


  1. I remember going to a Tesco when I was over there...the one we went to had an escalator that you could take your cart on!

    Sorry about your feet, hope they get better soon. Can't wait to hear more about your adventure!!!

  2. That's cool! I've never heard of an escalator doing that! Feet are getting better already. Think I'll be jogging by the end of the week!
