Friday, March 9, 2012

On My Way!

Today got off to a rough start.  My original itinerary looked something like this:
     Leave Rapid City at 1:10pm. 
     Fly to Denver.
     Change planes in Chicago.
     Arrive at London Heathrow at 11:05am Saturday.

I arrived at the airport (after a lovely breakfast at my favorite morning haunt, Tally's Silver Spoon) only to find out that my flight to Denver had been cancelled.  WHAT?!!!?  After spending a lengthy amount of time at the ticket counter, I got put on another flight to Chicago (totally bypassing Denver) and was told I would arrive in London the next morning.  As Aaron and I sat down to wait for my flight, say our goodbyes, etc. my Smartphone received an email from my airline saying that my new flight was delayed, as well.  UGH.  With the delay, there was no way I'd make my connection in Chicago.  I was bummed.  This is not how I envisioned my trip starting out.

We went back to the ticket counter and I managed to get a 9:00 flight out of Chicago.  That means I get to spend a few hours in Chi-town's airport (at least it's not Midway!).  Again, I was not prepared for this.  I had planned to be somewhere over the Atlantic in a deep sleep, thanks to 5mg of melatonin.  Oh, well.  I still arrive to Heathrow at 11:05 tomorrow morning and at least I don't have to run from one flight to another in O'Hare.  Now, I think I'll relax at the airport, have a nice meal and a glass (or two) of wine.  Hopefully, if all goes as planned, I'll actually be in England at this time tomorrow.

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