Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ups and Downs...Such is Life

This week has been full of surprises, both good and bad.  Here they are, in no particular order:
 - I found out I get to go to an Arsenal football game (that's soccer for all you Americans who aren't in-the-know).  It's against Manchester City and it's in London on Easter Sunday.  It's supposed to be a big game and it  should be pretty awesome.
 - One of my hosts is incredibly sick.  Because of this, we had to cancel Stonehenge and the Jane Austen museum this weekend, as well as the Paris trip.  I'm really hoping we'll get to reschedule all of those things during the Easter break.  Fingers are crossed!
 - I have planned two trips in April, one to Brighton and the other to London with a lovely girl from school.  I can't wait!
 - The weather has been beautiful this week.  It's supposed to turn cold and rainy all next week.  Boo! Typical English weather, I suppose...
 - I officially have the use of a bicycle.  Not having a car really sucks, for lack of a better word.  A bike will help an awful lot (at least on the days it's not raining).

That's all for now.  I'm trying not to get too bummed out about Paris, although it's disheartening.  I just hope there's time to reschedule and that we're able to get tickets on the Eurostar without much notice.

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