Sunday, April 1, 2012

Stonehenge and Jane Austen's House

We got up early and drove to Stonehenge this morning.  The weather was chilly, but the sun was out and it was a perfect day to see such an amazing sight.  Seeing Stonehenge has always been on my Bucket List, ever since I was in elementary school and we studied it in AGP, along with the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis.  I believe the topic was Unsolved Mysteries, or something of that nature, and it intrigued me even then.  All I can say is that pictures do not do it justice.  Stonehenge was truly awesome. 

As you walk around the site, you are able to listen to an audio tour which gives a little bit of history, as well as some theories behind how it was built, why it was built, and when it was built.  Common theory is that it was built as a sort of calendar, as many of the stones align perfectly with the sun during the winter and summer solstices and the fall and spring equinoxes.  Some say Merlin the Wizard had something to do with its building, while others say it was the Devil.  It's estimated to have been built between 3200 and 1600 BC. 

After we left Stonehenge, we made our way to Alton, home to Jane Austen from 1809-1817.  It was the place where she revised and edited Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility before submitting them for publication. 

It was so wonderful to explore the house, as well as the garden and learning center in the back.  The gardens were absolutely beautiful and were full of rosemary, sage, and lavender, which is grown all over the town.  It smelled heavenly.  I was also lucky enough to grab a keepsake from the garden...I just hope customs doesn't discover it on my way back to the states!

In short, it was another fabulous day in England! Only 29 days left...

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